Lex & Patricia recently interviewed Prof Viviana Wuthrich, the Director of the Centre for Ageing, Cognition and Wellbeing at Macquarie University in Sydney. She spoke about an exciting project called Ageing Wisely which she and her colleagues created to help seniors with anxiety and depression. The aim is to improve psychological treatments and to promote emotional wellbeing in older people. The interview with Viviana will be available during Season 3.

Accessing the program involves participation in the university study which is funded by National Health and Medical Research Council and Beyond Blue. The study compares the effectiveness of two psychological approaches to treating symptoms of low mood and anxiety in older adults. Both use cognitive behavioural therapy, a type of therapy that helps change unhealthy habits of thinking, feeling or behaving, which has been shown to be effective for managing symptoms. The two approaches differ in the emphasis on social interactions. You are eligible to participate if you are an Australian aged 65 years or older.

If you’d like to take part, or find out more, follow this link. 



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